Potter County
Austin, Pennsylvania
"God's Country"
(814) 647-8644
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Beautiful Bed and Breakfast located in the Pennsylvania Wilds
Local Attractions

Sinnemahoning State Park is just one of the many parks to visit in the area. The wildlife center is an amazing place to see.

Enjoy the beautiful "Dark Skies" in Cherry Springs.

Explore the dam ruins of the 2nd worst dam breakage in PA history.

The Coudersport Ice Mine is an ice cave located in Sweden Township, Pennsylvania, that forms icicles in the spring and summer but not in the winter. A very interesting experience.

Not exactly local, but definitely worth the drive to walk the Skywalk Bridge to see the mangled remains of railway that was taken down by a tornado in 2003.

Abundance of wildlife to include Elk, Bear, Turkey and Deer.